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Why Google Isn’t Really the Answer

Just Google it. That’s the answer for many questions. Or we ask Siri. Google, and other search engines like it, are amazing tools to get in front of clients. It works powerfully millions of times a day throughout the world. Google isn’t really the answer though to that question of WHY a customer decided on your company. Just think about your own usage of Google and you’ll understand.

As always when you are making your marketing decisions, take your own buying habits into account. For example, think about how you yourself use Google. Let’s say your house has a water leak and you need a plumber quickly. You don’t drive around to look at billboards, cut on the radio station for ads, or pick up a magazine to find a plumber. That would be ridiculous! Instead, you ask Google for “plumbers near me.” That’s normal, right? Your screen then reports a listing, and if you’re like most people, you automatically skip the first result or two. We all know that those companies who sponsor listings by paying to be at the top somehow cheat the system. (Who trusts them?) Now, as you read down the names of plumbers Google has conjured up, it is only natural to stop and consider those that are familiar. You’ll click on the one that has name recognition and pass those that you’ve never heard of before. If no one rings a bell then you’ll probably read some reviews or flip to page 2 for more options.

Everytime you Google you choose whichever company gives the strongest emotional positive reaction. That plumber you’ve seen in a magazine or on the television will all of a sudden pop off the screen. You’ll trust the brand you know. Pretty soon you’ll call them and say ‘Google sent me here.” Know that most people will never, ever say they came to your shop because of a magazine or community sponsorship. Google gets all the credit even though that plumber probably spends thousands of dollars each month marketing in various ways.

Google isn’t a guarantee. It simply makes a list of options. The client MUST be aware of your company and like your brand to choose you. Otherwise, you’ll be passed over. This is where branding enters the scene. Branding elicits clients to pick you from the list of others. As your company sponsors little league teams, is involved with the local Chamber of Commerce, and places their logo often in front of the community you are empowering Google to work proficiently. Marketing empowers Google and ramps up your search results.
Business coach John Preston said, “That same thing happens all the time with Facebook. If you go on Facebook and ask, “does anybody know a realtor?” the feed will have 15 friends recommending 14 different ones. If out of those 14 realtors you’ve only heard of one, that’s the one getting the call. If you’ve heard of more than one, whichever one gives me the most positive immediate reaction gets chosen.” Learn more from John during his podcast titled “Small Business in Small Bites available online.

There’s a reason your company is chosen from the listing, and it often has a lot to do with other means of marketing that you probably don’t even realize are working. Consistent messaging in print, online or in other media builds trust. Google doesn’t really work to bring business. It just shows the options.