It’s Later than You Think
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It’s Later than You Think
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What Would You Ask For?

Like the classic genie in the bottle story, the Bible tells of a time when a man was promised to receive anything he could imagine. Solomon wish was not for silver and gold or lucky lottery numbers. Solomon asked for wisdom.  From this request came everything Solomon could need or desire.  Knowing what is wise is the way to harness the greatest power on earth – the ability to make a decision. 

Everything in your life is a result of a decision. Some of those choices were left up to you to decide while others were determined for you. Some were probably really good, while others might have been questionable. A well-considered wise decision will usually lead to the desired result. A wise person sees red flags or awesome opportunities and adjusts accordingly. The impulsive keep going in their arrogance or ignorance and suffer.  So, how can you harness the unlimited unfathomable power of a wise decision?   Pause before you act and consider what is wise in any given situation. Author Andy Stanley suggests making your choices based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future hopes or dreams.  When something lines up with these three areas then it may be the wise decision. 

Wisdom is the foundation that greatness is built upon. And it’s available for you today  – no magic lamp required.