18 Advertising Thoughts to Help Your Business
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18 Advertising Thoughts to Help Your Business
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What the World & You Need

Pain often becomes a master teacher when we find our world is off-centered. Most people go along with the day-to-day drudgery until tragedy strikes or if they hear words like “divorce” or “cancer.” It’s easy not to realize there is a huge void in our world until it is almost too late. We get hooked on co-dependently helping others, constant entertainment, withdrawing, or the ecstasy of drugs and/or alcohol. The search for healing frequently tends to end up in self-medication in a negative way. Trying to fix ourselves is often short-lived, as we must come off the high at some point.

The medication we really need is a dose of ourselves via the needle of awareness.

Take these words to heart and find yourself, so you can thank yourself…
The world needs more of you.
You need more of you.

To give your family, partner, boss/co-workers, or friends your best, you must be healthy. To get there, you need a shot of self-love. This works like a vaccine that inserts a part of the virus to build up resistance. When you love self, you actually destroy your ego. It sounds like it would backfire, but it works. Caring for yourself kills the ego.

One way to love self is to thank yourself. The way to thank self is to love yourself. Even kids know this. At a young age, children are taught The Golden Rule of, “Do unto others the way you want them to do unto you.” The way you will make the world a better place is by following this basic rule. The world can really change when you do for one person what you would like to do for the entire human race. Or, what you would like for someone to do for you. If you want to have an impact, then do for one person what you would like to do for all.

Let’s take this idea one step farther: Apply it daily. Take a dose of your own medicine.
Do to yourself what you wish would be done for others. Treat self the way you want others to treat you.