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Unlimited Power!

“Expressing gratitude is a powerful practice. It transforms (or helps neutralize) painful events. That doesn’t mean saying ‘thank you’ only for receiving something good, although that’s part of it. This activity is about practicing gratitude for everything, as is. Some situations may be too much to express gratitude for or accept all at once, or maybe ever. But we can turn almost any experience around by practicing gratitude for what we experience or feel each moment, especially the moments we don’t like. If we’re grateful for what we label good, we’ll only be grateful a few times each week. Please don’t twist yourself into a pretzel trying to intellectualize how something may ‘work out for good’ so you can be grateful for that. That’s trying to predict how life will evolve,” wrote bestselling author, Melodie Beattie.

Thankfulness is an unlimited power source, much like the sun. Solar panels capture sunlight to use as energy. We can use appreciation to give life meaning. As the sun is always shining, we should always be thankful. Studies have proven a person who continually thankful is also continually happy. As the rays from the sun take over eight minutes to reach Earth, we often do not know the reach of our appreciation. It may have an eternal impact. Life could change for people when you show thankfulness by leaving a nice tip for good service or sending a handwritten thank you card.

from the book “An Appreciation Awakening” by Daniel Rendelman