God DOES Play Favorites
June 15, 2021
Change Your Attitude – Change Your Life
July 8, 2021
God DOES Play Favorites
June 15, 2021
Change Your Attitude – Change Your Life
July 8, 2021
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Thoughts Become Things

Let’s say you are craving a steak dinner. Like an amazingly thick, rich, perfectly seasoned steak with butter on top, served with the fluffiest loaded baked potato with crisp bacon, ooey-gooey cheese, a dollop of sour cream and a scattering of fresh chives, next to garlic-roasted asparagus. Why a steak dinner, though? What is going on inside your mind telling you your life will be better if you choose steak over something else? On a deeper level, a steak dinner may tell your mind the poverty-stricken childhood of eating peanut butter sandwiches daily are over. Or, perhaps a steak dinner may be a way of “treating” yourself for making a sale at work or reaching a particular goal.

Food is highly emotional. If you are thinking steak, then you are not going to drive to a pizza buffet. This reminds us that thoughts become things. Thoughts become things so you can feel a certain way. As you get to choose your next meal, you also choose your emotions. You don’t have to be an emotional eater or an emotional mess. You are in control of your thoughts and can select whatever you desire. Being grateful keeps you grounded. The rich and the poor can both be thankful. Gratitude is a choice starting on the inside and working itself out through actions and attitudes. Every action you take is so you can feel a specific and certain emotional state. That emotion may not be inherently top-of-mind, yet it is still present. Everything you want in life you want simply because you crave the emotion of having it.

Understanding the emotional aspect tied to your desires will help you understand what motivates you and makes life worthwhile. Having an appreciation awakening can help you figure your desires out, as well.

Your desires feel good when you think about them. What you want makes you smile when you think it over. Whatever is easy to be appreciative of is something you crave or desire. If you have ever said, “I’ll be happy when ____________,” then that’s your desire. Those desires provoke action. Having a feeling of wanting a desire met will often lead to you doing certain things. The old prophet said, “as a man thinks in his heart so he is.”

You decide how you will feel and which emotions you will experience by what you think. Nothing external can change your mood. No thing and no one can cause you to be in a bad mood unless you allow it to happen. As you think about what you want and not what you don’t want your subconscious adapts and your mood changes. Just as you choose your next meal, choose your next emotion by choosing your thoughts.