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Why Complain?
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The Resurrection

Can you see him sitting with the drunkards, lepers, prostitutes, and castoffs? The Messiah cared for the sick and helped the hurting. No one was too far from His love – not even a woman who had been caught in the very act of adultery. She had sinned and deserved death yet her life was pardoned by the wisdom of Messiah who told the accusers that “whoever is sinless should cast the first stone.” One simple statement saved her life. And she, nor the entire world, would ever be the same.

That’s our magnificent Messiah. He is the embodiment of love, mercy, compassion, and favor. The fullness of God Almighty dwelt in his body, the very same body that would be nailed to a tree.

The climax of his life came as he hung on a wooden cross on a hill outside of Jerusalem. There, this caring compassionate man suffered the most gruesome death. He had been whipped and beaten. A crown of sharp thorns was thrust into his skull. Mockers spat in his face and his garments were ripped from his body. Finally, long iron nails, similar to railroad spikes, were driven into his skin. Darkness covered the earth.

Upon death’s tree Jesus suffered for every sin you would ever make. He bore your personal shame and the rebellion of the entire world. There on a hill in Israel every error and every single condemnation, even the power of Satan and the lusts of the flesh, were crucified. When Messiah died all of that died with him.

Three days after the saddest time in human history, the earth and the heavens shook. A large stone that sealed his garden tomb easily rolled away. And in that instant, in that moment, death died. Its sting was taken away. No longer could the grave have victory. Because Messiah became a life-giving Spirit, He could impart His spirit in us and to us. This is the glory of our gospel and the mystery of the ages. Though we were once alienated and enemies of the Lord we have been reconciled and made blameless. The resurrection isn’t just an event. It’s a person and it’s His power alive in all who would claim Him.

From www.thehope.network