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The Motivation Myth

After the young couple were married and experienced the thrill of the honeymoon, the bride immediately called her mother. Her mom asked her how the honeymoon went, and the girl’s answer was telling. She said in a panic, “The honeymoon was amazing. It was romantic and sweet. But as soon as we returned to our new home, my husband started using the ghastliest language, saying things I’d never heard before! He began to say these awful four-letter words! You’ve got to come get me and take me home from this toxic relationship. Please help me, Mom.”

Shocked, her mother tried to calm the daughter by asking, “Tell me, what could be so awful? What four-letter words?” Still sobbing, the daughter whispered between tears, “Oh, Mom, he keeps saying things like dust, wash, cook, iron, and work.” W-O-R-K. This four-letter word is too often considered a dirty curse. Who wants to get out of bed and punch a clock, anyway? Well, we were created to work. It’s through our vocation that we can often find and express significance as our efforts offer opportunities to impact others. A meaningful job combines three key elements:

1)     Significance – this is understanding how what you do benefits others.

2)     Identity – this is knowing what the work makes possible.

3)     Strengths – this is utilizing your strengths to get the job done.

Indeed, it is fulfilling to find a role that allows each of these areas to blend into daily activities. There is nothing like the feeling of fulfillment that comes from finding meaningful work. And while the emotion of making a difference is satisfying, man cannot live by emotion alone. Action – not inspiration – is what eventually gets the job done.

Business can be thrilling and frustrating. The highs are in the clouds, and the lows are below the deep. To make matters worse, disappointment sets in when inspiration flees. A dangerous motivation myth is an accepted lie that propagates that action comes after and only after feeling inspired. Feeling motivation is great, yet it cannot be your driving force. If it is, then an absence of motivation will drive you bonkers while your business suffers. Moments of inspiration should not be considered the standard; otherwise, you will rarely pursue excellence. Work, yes, that four-lettered word, must be the standard for success.

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary,” said Vince Lombardi. If you must wait to be motivated before you start, then you will probably never start. Motivation manifests most of the time only AFTER work has begun. Action often paves the way for inspiration to take more action. You must act your way to motivation. (Yes, fake it until you make it!)

Best-selling author James Clear says that to “feel” motivated, then you should simply schedule it. “If your business doesn’t have a system for marketing, then you’ll show up at work crossing your fingers that you’ll find a way to get the word out (in addition to everything else you have to do). Setting a schedule for yourself seems simple, but it puts your decision-making on autopilot by giving your goals a time and a place to live. It makes it more likely that you will follow through regardless of your motivation levels. And there are plenty of research studies on willpower and motivation to back up that statement,” Clear continued, “Stop waiting for motivation or inspiration to strike you and set a schedule for your habits. This is the difference between professionals and amateurs. Professionals set a schedule and stick to it. Amateurs wait until they feel inspired or motivated.” Don’t let that foul four-lettered word of W-O-R-K stop you. Action brings more action, and action brings motivation.