One Question: WHY
August 3, 2020
Build a Life that Matters
August 21, 2020
One Question: WHY
August 3, 2020
Build a Life that Matters
August 21, 2020
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The Most Important Question

​I’ve got one question for you today but please don’t belittle the power of this text. Here’s my query… Why?

Why “Why” Isn't Enough: A critical analysis of Simon Sinek's ...

Why are you pursuing your career or education?  Why are you there?  Why is this a good fit for you?   Why?

The answer to this “why” is the gasoline to your engine. The why is what powers your actions. If you forget the “why” it is easy to give in to frustrations or feelings of doubt. If your “why” is clear and consistently before you then you can overcome pretty much anything.  

“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress: Working hard for something we love is called passion,” wrote Simon Sinek.

How about take a few minutes and define your purpose today.  Dig in and self reflect on “WHY” you are doing what you do. Write out your “why” and place it somewhere you can see it regularly. Read this statement daily to train your brain to focus on the bigger picture.  Your “why” will propel you forward.

People work certain jobs or enroll in school for many different reasons.  Do you know your WHY?  Do you want to have influence upon your local community?  Are you wanting to maximize the income opportunities?  Is the idea of independence alluring?  With your higher “why” in mind you can move from success to significance.  Once you determine your WHY the HOW will figure itself out.

Knowing your why and then expressing it to others makes a difference. Your why moves you and it and moves other people to action. “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe,” said Simon Sinek.
Those who people who ​f​ail with any business often miss success by 18 inches. Yep, that’s the space between your head and your heart. Your heart is where your WHY lives. Your head is where doubt, worry, and fear dwell. Do you know your why?  Maybe your why is to make money?

Well, you why isn’t just money – it’s what money can do for you. Money is just paper with pictures of dead presidents. What does your spending say about your priorities? Where would you spend that money and on what?  That might be part of your why!  

Your greatest asset is not your town, your community, your sales ability, or your skill set.  Your greatest asset is your mental ability to ask WHY and remember your WHY and stick to the why everyday.  

End today by thinking about your “why” for doing this business. Then start tomorrow with a fresh vision of your future.