Build a Life that Matters
August 21, 2020
Use the Snooze Button Principle to Stop Procrastinating
October 24, 2020
Build a Life that Matters
August 21, 2020
Use the Snooze Button Principle to Stop Procrastinating
October 24, 2020
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The Best Way to Respond

What is the best way to respond when someone mistreat you or acts wayward? 

Galatians 5:6 is an interesting passage that might surprise you. It says that “faith works through love.”  Here we see that love is what empowers our faith to move mountains or to move people.  

If you truly love somebody then you can extend faith to bring them out of a horrible situation.  A friend or family member that is living in rebellion against God can be reached through prayers of thankfulness.  Instead of telling the Lord how awful and terrible the person is and how their sin is ruining their life, try praying from the position of victory and gratitude.  

Make your prayers positive and speak faith through your love.  Try praying, “Lord I love this person and I know you love them more than I do.  I know that what they are doing is not the best for them so I pray blessing into their life.  I ask you to reveal your full potential to their spirit and I thank you that they are seeking you.  I thank you that this person has a hunger and a thirst for your righteousness.  I praise you that things are better for my loved one and hear my prayers.”  Love shown through prayers of thanksgiving can empower your faith to break through boundaries and have influence.  

Gratitude as well shows that you are not a victim.  You may have had some bad things that happened to your life, but you are not a victim.  You are the master of your own destiny.  You choose tomorrow, you choose today.  When you say, “thank you God,” you are expressing that you are not a victim.  Being thankful declares that no matter what has occurred in our lives, no matter what has happened, the Lord wants the best for us and we trust Him. 

A paper published by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence which concluded that expressing gratitude completes a feeling of connection with other people. When you are grateful, that connection is a spiritual bond between others, you, and God. Take time today to rejoice in the good for yourself and others. Faith works through love!