Why Advertise If You’re Well Known
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Why Advertise If You’re Well Known
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The Battery Effect of Life

A battery is a device that converts chemical energy directly to electrical energy. It was Benjamin Franklin who coined the phrase “battery” and the terms “positive” and “negative” energy to describe the direction of the electricity by watching sparks.  He discovered a consistent direction that sparks appeared to jump and labeled the source terminal as “positive” and the terminal to which they seemed to jump from as “negative.”  Here we learn that all energy produces negative or positive results, and that energy always matches it’s source. For example, when jump starting a car, you must connect the positive cable to the positive terminal and the negative to the negative poles.  If you mix up the order, then you may fry your vehicle!  From the simple function of a battery, we can learn a great spiritual principle called the “battery effect.”

The battery effect teaches us that for every positive or negative action there is a corresponding positive or negative reaction.  You receive what you release.  Everything you do is either positive or negative and is returned in the like.  There is no middle ground!  Your actions are releasing positive energy OR negative energy.  And what you put out into the universe is returned to you.

Small changes cause similar changes nearby.  What we personally think and how we individually act affects ourselves and others.  Our environment changes when power is released.  This power can be either positive or negative.  Just think about how misery loves company or how easy it is to be in a good mood around certain funny people.  This is true in all areas of life.  When someone focuses on problems, debt, or frustrations then more problems, debt, and frustrations arise.  Jesus said that whoever has will be given more – that counts for all areas of life.

Are you a negative thinker or a positive thinker? Do you tell yourself, “yes I can do this… I can reach my goal.”  Or do you tell yourself, not to get to excited, that you probably will not get that promotion, lose those five pounds, have that relationship, and or read that book? What you put out is returned to you!

If your life isn’t where you want it to be, it could be the battery effect at work. Are your thoughts causing you to fail or succeed?  Attitude and actions are contagious. What you think about you bring about. Perhaps it is time to check your battery power?  The writer of Galatians said, “Be not deceived; the Lord is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” A positive mind will expect happiness, joy, health, a positive outcome and then since the mind is expecting it, it will happen.