Your Business Brand Identity
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Your Business Brand Identity
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Systems Lead to Success

“Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress,” wrote James Clear in the book Atomic Habits.

Everyone in business wants to more successful. We all want more money or freedom. Those goals on the dream board are phenomenal, but HOW do they happen?

Goals alone are not enough. If goals were magical then everyone in the world would just wish for something and it would happen. Focusing only on the goal is like Tom Brady looking at the scoreboard during the entire Superbowl and never touching the ball. Something intentional must take place for that goal to manifest.

That something is not inspiration or motivation. You can think positively all day long and never do anything. You can be inspired but if that inspiration doesn’t lead to specific actions then nothing is accomplished. 

Systems, not goals, lead to success because they are not dependant upon moods, feelings, whims, or distractions. Systems are what separates an amateur from a professional. 

What systems do you have in place and use daily to reach your goals? What good habits are you keeping for your dream life or growing business? An honest time audit could reveal where you are losing precious moments to things that don’t matter while allowing true priorities to fall away.

“We don’t rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our systems,” wrote James Clear.

How about review your schedule and then ask yourself where you could improve your habits with effective daily systems?