Annoyed or at Peace?
June 12, 2019
What Does It Mean to be Rich?
June 15, 2019
Annoyed or at Peace?
June 12, 2019
What Does It Mean to be Rich?
June 15, 2019
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Real Relationship Advice

You are known by the company you keep and by the people you avoid.  Relationships should be healthy connections where mutual need meeting takes place.  If there are people that seem to drain your joy or cause you to stress then maybe it’s time to set some healthy boundaries. 

Proverbs 13:20 says, “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.”

When you choose to associate with those who are seeking kindness then their desires and actions will rub off on you.  Hang around with patient people and you will be more patient.  The opposite is also true.  When you fellowship with those whose heart is not humble then you may get into trouble. A hot temper is like wildfire. 

How do you know the difference?   How can you befriend those are negative without being persuaded to always complain?  The answer to these questions is in your motive and purpose.

Before you go out for dinner or bowling with a buddy take a minute to pray for a divine purpose. Consider how you can you lovingly share your inward hope and joy with your friends.  Then look for an opportunity to turn the conversation to those matters.  You will then become the wise one that others seek out.