What Does God Fear?
February 9, 2020
Get the Results You Want
February 10, 2020
What Does God Fear?
February 9, 2020
Get the Results You Want
February 10, 2020
Can we really blame Adam and Eve for cheating on their diet in the garden of Eden?  For some reason forbidden food seems to taste better.  The first couple chose satisfaction of the present moment over eternal ideals. We all know that sweets are even more flavorful when you’re on a diet. Selfishness has it’s pleasure for a season too. 
Proverbs 9:17 says, “Stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten secretly is tasty!”
What looks good to us may actually be our down fall if we are not careful.  For example, a child is magnetically drawn to do whatever he has been told not to do.  The alcoholic feels the magnetic draw of booze. The gossip just has to share the latest drama. Instant gratification is definitely alluring. 
Our lustful eyes, the pride of life, and the desires of our flesh can quickly make something dark look beautiful.  “No” seems to call out “yes” at every turn. It’s interesting that we don’t really need to be told that selfishness is toxic.  We know what isn’t good for us. We also know that a little poison is enough to kill.  Knowing right from wrong isn’t the issue. The issue is our heart. 
It’s from the heart that we choose to serve God or serve self. This is all the more proof as to why we need the fear or respect of the Lord in our lives.  Having his fear is shrinking away from anything that would tarnish your relationship with God. When you walk in the fear of the Lord you realize that what is best for you isn’t always easy and what is easy for you isn’t always best. 
Respecting God is trusting His plan and His path. Having the fear of the Lord is understanding that what is right for you may not be right in front of you.  It is choosing the eternal over what may provide temporary satisfaction.  Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”  Just consider,  is the sweetness of the moment really worth compromising your integrity?
Pray today for the fear of the Lord to guard you from the temptations of the temporal. Seek the eternal. What lasts beyond the years is best for you. That forbidden food might be sweet, but it could lead into a ton of trouble. Just ask Adam and Eve.