Watch Out for This!
February 6, 2020
What Does God Fear?
February 9, 2020
Watch Out for This!
February 6, 2020
What Does God Fear?
February 9, 2020
Do you ever get frustrated with all the commandments in the Bible?  We’re told to “do this” and “don’t do that” on so many pages. It can be challenging to figure out what is relevant and needed today from what isn’t.  Should we really pick and choose from the Scripture? Doesn’t everyone pick and choose what they want?
The Bible, with its various commands and instructions, was given to us for our benefit. The Lord doesn’t need our obedience.  We need our obedience.  Submission to spiritual principles gives us peace and purpose. Obedience does not give us extra points with God.
It’s good to remember that we can’t make the Lord love us more because we are extra observant. He doesn’t love us less when we fail to obey. The Scriptures were given for our good so that we could have a purposeful and peaceful life.
Deuteronomy 10:13, “Keep the Lord’s commands and statutes I am giving you today, for your own good.”
By choosing to obey God you are choosing life. Walking in obedience to the Scripture isn’t legalism or burdensome. It’s life! The words of the Bible is a tree of life.
Consider it this way…this world is like a lobby before the banquet hall of heaven. How you prepare in the lobby through obedience will determine how you look at the banquet.  The more we surrender to God’s Spirit the more we can experience His comfort and peace. When you keep your focus on God’s love the commands aren’t burdensome. Instead, they are liberating and meaningful. 
Proverbs 7:2, “Keep my commands and live protect my teachings as the pupil of your eye.”