Desire Discernment
February 5, 2020
Love God to Obey God
February 7, 2020
Desire Discernment
February 5, 2020
Love God to Obey God
February 7, 2020
It’s sad but true that most people recognize our faith more because of what we are against than what we are actually for.  People often alienate themselves from Christians not because of Christ, but because of his followers. 
Bible believers are known for our silly splits, innumerable denominations, and personal convictions that are presented as absolute truth. We make mountains out of molehills and condemn others who don’t “exactly” believe as we do. Then, we wonder why we there’s a struggling church on every corner of our towns. 
The Almighty hates hypocrisy.  This sin makes him so sick he is nauseous at just the idea. In his eyes, strife caused by our petty disagreements is just as horrible as lying on a witness stand or running to loot a business.  You would never. commit homicide at church, but condemning words murder people everyday. 
James 3:16 says that when we have strife in our lives we are actually opening the door to every type of evil. Trouble among believers, brothers by the Savior’s precious blood, is a deadly sin that should be avoided.
One principle we can apply from the Proverbs is the importance of unity among the faith. We are called to life one another, regardless of political party or religious denomination. How can you get along with others that are different? Well, try not to make your issues someone else’s. Don’t be offended easily.  Forgive and move on. Seek unity on the grounds of what Jesus has done for us.  Find agreement on the weightier matters of your faith like love, justice, and mercy.  
Let’s be glad that Christ is not like 90% of Christians.  And let’s strive to surrender more to God so we can truly reflect His love. 
Proverbs 6:16-19, “The Lord hates six things; in fact, seven are detestable to Him arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet eager to run to evil, a lying witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up trouble among brothers.”