Speak the Word
February 4, 2020Watch Out for This!
February 6, 2020If there’s one thing that people need today, it’s discernment. Political pundits, celebrity endorsements, Instagram influencers and even well meaning friends are always telling us to believe this or buy that. We too often are led astray because we don’t see the bigger picture of what is happening all around us. Discernment helps us see past the enticement and hype that so easily entangles. Without insight we can easily fall into selfishness and fall after people we shouldn’t.
Proverbs 5 starts with a call to discernment. The verses then describes the dangers of a life without it. The chapter handles a hard subject with direct guidance. A modern day version of this Proverb would probably warn us of internet websites, racy magazines, private times with the opposite sex, certain movie channels, or inappropriate lingering of the eyes. The temptation is still the same even though the method had changed and multiplied. The solution is the same too… have discernment.
Spiritual discernment is a natural by product as you pay attention to the Word, repeat with your mouth what you have learned, and abide in the faith.
Intentions are important but actions must back up the ideals. You wouldn’t eat a huge pack of oreos while you run a 5k race. You can’t live in Godliness if you are also walking after fleshly desires. Decide to have discernment on what matters most. It’s difficult to fall into sin when the word of God is giving you direction and discernment.
“My son, pay attention to my wisdom; listen carefully to my wise counsel. Then you will show discernment, and your lips will express what you’ve learned,” Proverbs 5.
Discover the Proverbs daily with a unique challenge to read the chapter that corresponds to the date of each month.