Stay Close to God
February 3, 2020Desire Discernment
February 5, 2020When you think about the Bible, what picture comes to mind? Do you envision a thick book of confusing genealogies and farfetched stories? Or do you consider a text of life changing inspiration? Is it just a book or something more?
The Bible is more than just a book of ancient wisdom. It’s actually a collection of living words. Reading the Scriptures is different than reading any other work because it is composed of Spirit and life. It is the only book you’ll ever read which the author is always present.
The Scripture has the power to convict, convince, and create. Create? Yes, it was the spoken word of the Lord that created all that was made. His signature is on you – the masterpiece of mankind. You were created in his own image. In a sense, we are cocreators. Through our actions we can bring heaven to earth and create the environment of love, joy, and peace. This happened all throughout the Scripture. Moses raised his staff and commanded nature. Elijah called down fire. When Messiah spoke, sight was restored and life sprouted from death.
Today, the word of the Lord is still a creative force. Through faith you can speak Scripture over your life with and experience an actual verse from Proverbs 4. You can have hope when you’re hurting and and wisdom when you’re wondering.
Choose to speak the promises of God today. When you find yourself in need find a verse that that matches that need and repeat it in faith. “For they are life to those who find them, and health to one’s whole body,” 4:22.
Declare the word today. Pray the Scriptures …
“Our father in heaven, I thank you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. None of the diseases of Egypt shall afflict me. By the stripes of Jesus I am healed. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Your word promises that you shall meet all of my needs according to your riches. Blessings abide in the house of the righteous. Greater is he that is in me then he that is in the world. Father, I thank you that I overcome by the blood of the lamb. Today is the day of salvation for me and my house hold. Direct my steps as I walk by faith and not by sight.”