Unforgiviness Rots Your Soul
February 24, 2020
The Gospel in a Nutshell
August 1, 2020
Unforgiviness Rots Your Soul
February 24, 2020
The Gospel in a Nutshell
August 1, 2020
Last year wildfires burned thousands of acres in California and over 46 million acres in Australia. Just a small spark can burst into a huge blaze quickly. This can happen with fire and with words. 
Be honest.  It’s easy to say things you shouldn’t.  In the Hebrew Old Testament, the term “lashon hara” describes any talk that could hurt another person, even if what is being said is true.  Words can quickly and easily burn. 
This understanding of forbidden talk teaches us that gossip is repeating anything about anyone that could cause pain  It hurts the person being talked about, the one listening, and the one spreading the gossip. 
The words we say can be twisted and taken out of context by others.  We can also easily repeat things that should have been kept secret.  Whether our motivation is innocent or not doesn’t excuse talking about others.  Proverbs gives us a word picture by comparing loose talk with fire. 
Proverbs 26:20-21, “Without wood, fire goes out; without a gossip, conflict dies down.  As charcoal for embers and wood for fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife.”
Pray today for discernment about what to say whenever you open your mouth.  The tongue is a deadly flame set aflame by hell itself.  Only you can prevent gossip fires.