Plant the Seed for the Need
February 19, 2020
Unforgiviness Rots Your Soul
February 24, 2020
Plant the Seed for the Need
February 19, 2020
Unforgiviness Rots Your Soul
February 24, 2020
Imagine an executive chef mixing exquisite ingredients for an award winning cake.  She greases the pan, pours the batter and places it into a convection oven.  Now consider that same baker checking the oven three minutes later and becoming disgusted. She walks away and gives up hope it will ever be edible because the cake didn’t rise instantly.  Sounds ridiculous right?  Well, this is exactly what we do when we give up on our hopes or dreams.  
Bakers understand that it takes time for the cake to set. The recipe calls for carefully measured ingredients and patient waiting.  Its supposed to be this way. Food take time to cook.  Students take time to graduate. Plants take time to grow.  Waiting for a desired outcome seems to be part of every aspect of life.  Giving up is optional.   
Galatians says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  We have been promised abundance if we will stay the course and remain faithful.  Defeat and doubt can’t have us if we stay focused on the end result.  That’s exactly what bakers do!  A simple mixture of dry and wet goods will produce a flavorful dish, if you allow the proper time to pass.  Pull those cookies out too early and the raw ingredients could make you sick. Walk away from your dreams and they’ll never a actualize. Believe today that everything will work out in your life, busines, and faith 
Proverbs 23 can be taken serious. Consider this today and be encouraged by these words…”You will be rewarded for this; your hope will not be disappointed. My child, listen and be wise: Keep your heart on the right course.”