Commit Your Way to the Lord
February 16, 2020
What is true?
February 18, 2020
Commit Your Way to the Lord
February 16, 2020
What is true?
February 18, 2020
Okay, be honest. Sometimes it feels like torture to be around your family.  Differences in parenting, politics, and profession can cause challenging get togethers.  This isn’t just an adult issue though as even children have sibling rivalries and petty fights over who “started it.”  Let me encourage you to see such interactions as a good thing.  In fact, that’s how it’s supposed to be. 
Reconsider Proverbs 17:17 which says, “a friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”
This passage shows us the balance between loving devotion and family feuds.  Your brother, your sister, your spouse – your family are for your good in adversity.  The people that are closest to you know how to hurt you the most by pushing your buttons.  They can easily get on your nerves.  It’s your response to these folks that makes you a better person. 
Adversity from your family prepares you for issues with the outside world.  If you can get along with those you interact with on a daily basis then you can get along with anyone.  Adversity is not always a bad thing!
The family is like a torture chamber for the flesh.  Your fleshly desires must be sacrificed daily to get along with those whom you see everyday.  Doing those dishes, keeping your mouth shut or ignoring shortcomings can all be spiritual practices.  Dying to self starts at your personal mailing address!  Iron sharpens iron and family frustrates.
If you can view the drama from your crazy aunt or rebellious teen as opportunities for spiritual growth then you may react differently to adversity.  Just keep in mind that family is proving ground for your devotion to God. It’s easy to love when things are easy and it’s challenging to care when others don’t. 
Now don’t missunderstand, there is difference between normal relational entanglements and toxic unhealthy connections.  We should never subject ourselves to abusive relationships.  Learning boundaries in the family sphere has powerful ripples in other areas of life. 
Learn from the Proverbs and use the stressful situations at home to prepare you for what may be ahead.