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Print & Digital are like Turkey and Dressing

Thanksgiving turkey always goes with dressing, peanut butter is perfect with jelly, and print with digital marketing both work better when paired together. This isn’t just a taste test, though – research recently proved how multiple impressions of different media types positively affect the brain.

​Scientists were alarmed by their findings after having test-subjects view ads in digital and physical media. Through a variety of neurological methods, including biometric measurements and eye-tracking, they discovered how print and digital are the perfect combination. Here’s some of what they found when people saw similar advertisements in both formats…

  • Digital ads were processed more quickly.
  • Paper ads engaged viewers for more time.
  • Subjects reported no preference for either medium.
  • Subjects absorbed about the same amount of information from both media.
  • A week later, subjects showed greater emotional response and memory for physical media ads.
  • Physical ads caused more activity in brain areas associated with value and desire.

​These findings probably don’t surprise you though.  Most of us scroll right past ads on social media or minimize pop-ups before we give them a glance, but, we are more retentive with printed paper.  Print causes us to linger longer and “window shop” the various options on the page.  It creates an emotional bond and desire that is greater than what online viewing can do. A growing body of neuroscience shows that print marketing affects us in powerful ways related to memory, recall, and enjoyment.

​​Researchers have discovered how the ventral striatum, the part of the brain whose activity is most predictive of future purchasing behavior, is activated more powerfully when it views a message in physical media. The brain section is then stimulated for greater memory with digital impressions. Effective print and digital ads work better if they reinforce consistent messaging. That Facebook ad, Google display, publication sponsorship, and newspaper spot combine for community recognition.

Sure, mashed potatoes are good alone, but their taste is magnified when gravy is poured over them.  It’s the same with mixed media. Print makes digital more successful even though excessive screen time can have negative impact on life. Another study has shown that more than half of U.S. consumers are concerned that they spend too much time on their devices and that it might be damaging to their health. This leads to people turning back to print for entertainment and information. “Because print is a highly exclusive medium, 71% believe printed news stories are more trustworthy than those found online. The same percentage believes reading their news in print provides a deeper understanding of the story​,” reads the report ‘Print and Paper in a Digital World: Key Findings from the US Survey.’

To grow in today’s market, companies need these two types of marketing. ​Print is personal, trusted and has gravitas. Digital is in the moment and measurable. Together they are a strong partnership that is better than cranberries and Thanksgiving lunch.