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How to be Holy

Do you know how to be holy? It’s probably a lot easier than you think.

God calls believers to be holy because He is holy. Like children who reflect their parents, we can and should reflect the holiness of God in this world. This doesn’t mean we become stained glass sanitized saints who never do anything wrong – that’s not reality and that’s not holiness. Instead, to be holy, simply means to love God. It’s that basic.

Loving God makes your life holy. Most people think of this totally backwards. We think that our good deeds or obedience to commandments are what defines holiness. This is NOT true. A person can keep all the commandments of the Bible, never miss a Sunday worship service and still not be holy because they don’t really love God. We are to love Him FIRST and our obedience should be a result and response of that love.

Throughout the ancient text a Hebrew word is originally used for holiness. This is the term “kadosh.” It means to be “set apart for a purpose.” Holiness is being set apart for the purpose of loving God and showing him to the world through loving actions. Jesus said “if you love me then keep my commandments” and he said, “the world will know that you are my disciples because of your love.” Love in action isbiblical holiness!

Just notice the order of words used here by the Messiah…

“If you love Me, keep My commandments,” John 14:15. Love Him FIRST and then allow obedience to come from that relationship. The Old Testament says similar – “Therefore, love the Lord your God and always keep His mandate and His statutes, ordinances, and commands‭‭,” Deuteronomy‬ ‭11:1‬.

Our obedience is proof that we love God. When we choose to sin or hurt others, then we choose the love of self over the love of God. True holiness is abiding in God’s love and reflecting his heart through our deeds.