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How Gratitude Makes Life Better

By Daniel Rendelman

Thanksgiving is more than a meal; gratitude is more than an attitude.  Appreciation is an emotion and action that can produce health, peace of mind, and happiness. It is a practical and spiritual practice. Researchers have even proven that when you give thanks amazing things happen to your psyche and body.

The University of Berkeley recently found that gratitude has unmatchable powers to benefit life. “After fifteen years of research, we know that gratitude is a key to psychological well-being. Gratitude can make people happier, improve their relationships, and potentially even counteract depression and suicidal thoughts. Studies have associated gratitude with a whole slew of benefits—from fewer aches and pains to improved sleep to better cardiovascular health. There’s good reason to suspect that gratitude has positive ramifications for your body,” says Berkeley scientist Summer Allen. 

Though a new pharmaceutical drug takes years to make it to the market, we already have gratitude as a healing balm to the world’s troubles. The human testing has been completed and we know that it works. In another study, more grateful participants reported fewer problems (such as headaches, gastrointestinal problems, respiratory infections, and sleep disturbances); in another, they reported fewer physical symptoms (including headaches, dizziness, stomach aches, and runny noses).

Berkeley conducted a study of 401 people with whom over forty percent (40%) were horrible sleepers with clinically impaired sleep patterns. People who were more grateful reported falling asleep faster. Those with grateful hearts slept longer, had quality sleep, and stayed awake more easily throughout the day. The positive thoughts outweighed anything negative.

“Counting blessings makes a difference. Amazing things happen when you consider all of what you have and how your needs have been met. A simple exercise of just listing your gratitude each day for a period of thirty-one days can make a substantial change in your physical and mental wellbeing. Problems dissipate, and sickness is healed when we are thankful. These results are especially important given that both depression and sleep problems can worsen heart failure, and they suggest that a gratitude journal might indeed be a good addition to the care provided to heart patients,” reported Allen for USC Berkeley.

One way to use the force of gratitude is to use a gratitude journal. Just note four to five items that happened and the accompanying emotions you experienced. Being mindful of emotions turns a journal into so much more than merely a diary. Your journal is not only a record of your day, but a total outline of appreciation. As you write nightly, list anything and everything. Write down both the good and the bad. This helps give perspective to what might have happened. In time, you will discover how to be thankful for it all and through it all. Soon, you will be energized during your day to be on the lookout for bits and pieces you can document later. As you give thanks, you will begin to process future feelings and events differently so that good is found in every situation. All the journals in the world could not hold a listing of your blessings.

Appreciation helps you sleep, affects your heart positively, and even makes your brain healthier. It’s a potent medicine for emotional and physical health. Gratitude affects your entire life and makes life better.