Are You a Prospector?
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Are You a Prospector?
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Help! It’s Available

The story is told about a guy who’s car was broken down on the side of the road. He had the hood popped up and was frustrated because he couldn’t figure out the issue. Suddenly, a long limousine parked behind him. From the limo came a man, dressed in a custom made suit who asked, “do you need any help?”

Within minutes the business suit was shed, sleeves were rolled back, and the mysterious passersby was getting his hands greasy from tinkering with the engine. Then it happened. The vehicle started right up. The car’s owner was beyond grateful, and he asked how much he owed. The response he recieved teaches us a lesson.

“Oh nothing is due. My name is Henry Ford. I’m the creator of this car. It really bothers me to see one broke down on the side of the road, not doing what I made it to do.”

Isn’t it great to know that our Heavenly Father loves us the same way? Instead of just leaving us in a mess, God helps our hurts. He created us and knows exactly what we need. Shouldn’t we trust our Creator more when life breaks down?