Heart Pain and Obedience
June 10, 2021
God DOES Play Favorites
June 15, 2021
Heart Pain and Obedience
June 10, 2021
God DOES Play Favorites
June 15, 2021
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God’s Favor is with You

When someone says, “can you do me a favor?” they are asking for an act of kindness.  If Bob says that the Green bay Packers are his favorite football team he is saying that he likes them above all other football teams.

When the Lord’s favor is upon you then you will experience his kindness over and over again.  When you are God’s favorite then you are the apple of His eye and the chosen son or daughter.  The Lord’s favor can be understood as his provision, preparation, and presence.

The Almighty takes care of us.  Mary was favored with a child, Ruth was shown favor and her needs were met, and Joseph was shown favor by the prison warden.  The New Testament believers in Acts experienced favor through miracles, signs, wonders, and multiplication.  The Psalmist said, “I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread, “Psalm 37:25. 

When we have his favor we have his preparation.  God guides you and goes before you to make a way.  The Lord will set things in motion for you.  He will guard your future. “All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to His good favor,” Romans 8:28.  Noah found “favor” in the eyes of God, Israel left Egypt as favored by the Lord, Ruth was favored by Boaz, Esther was favored by the King and was spared, and Mordecai was favored through righteousness.  The Scriptures say, “surely, the Lord blesses the righteous and surrounds them with favor as a shield.”

Finally, God’s favor is also his presence.  He is with you in the midst of every trial.  Though he may not always remove the problem, he will always reveal himself in the solution.  He loves you and longs to bless you.  Deuteronomy 31:8, “God himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  The Lord was with Joseph through his trials, Yahweh was with Daniel in the lions’ den & other tests, and Moses was given a revelation of the Almighty’s name through divine favor in Exodus 33:3.

Do you want His presence?  Do you need his preparation?  His provision? What would you do to get His favor?  Would you sell your house or your car?  Would you trade your most prized possession for the presence of God?

The level in which you search for Him and expect Him to move is equal to how God reveals Himself.  His favor is available!  All you have to do is ask for it and receive it!  You can’t earn it or buy it.  You can search for it, pray for it, and walk in it.  Do this today.