God’s Favor is with You
June 12, 2021
Thoughts Become Things
June 16, 2021
God’s Favor is with You
June 12, 2021
Thoughts Become Things
June 16, 2021
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God DOES Play Favorites

Did you know that God has favorite children and that you’re one of them?

It has been said that “God doesn’t play favorites” and that “he loves everyone the same.” This idea seems nice but is it Biblical? Romans 9:13 states that Lord “hated Esau but loved Jacob.” What could this mean?

The scriptures indicate a disdain for Esau because of the heart of Esau. Esau’s mind and emotions were set against the things of the Lord. Esau was a rebellious son who did not inherit the promises of God. Jacob wasn’t perfect either, as he had his own set of problems, but Jacob’s heart was set on knowing the Mighty One of Israel and walking in His ways.

It is indeed the heart that makes the difference in life. And it’s the heart that led the Lord to make the statement that Esau was hated while Jacob was loved. The Almighty offers His love and His favor for everyone in the world. People choose to walk in his favor or to walk away from his favor. Jacob walked in God’s favor. That’s what it means when the Scripturs state that God “loved” him while Esau walked away from God’s favor.

Those who seek after the Almighty are blessed with his presence and His favor. Get this – we each have a choice to walk in God’s favor or to walk out of it. The Bible indicates that we each were each created for a purpose and a great plan. You were made in His image and Yahweh doesn’t make junk! As the crown of His creation you were given a choice to follow His ways or to go your own separate way. Those who seek after Him can walk in his favor and even ask favors of Him!
Strangers ignore the cries of children at the toy isle in Wal-Mart but parents respond differently. Because of relationship, a mother may do her son a favor and buy him a new toy. Well, God’s favor is great for everything we need in life – not just the toys. It is His provision, His love, His power, His protection – it is HIM!

There are countless verses throughout the Bible that speak of God’s favor. In English Bibles it is referenced as “grace” or “favor” or “love” or “mercy.” It is all the same. “Now is the time of the Lord’s favor,” according to 2 Corinthians 6:2. You can experience his love! Do you want his favor? Are you asking for it? Are you expecting it? Learn from Jacob and Esau today.