Everything is Emotional
November 7, 2021
Be Thankful in Advance
November 9, 2021
Everything is Emotional
November 7, 2021
Be Thankful in Advance
November 9, 2021
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Expect and Appreciate

When our expectations are met, we feel satisfied. As we are thankful for what we do have, we enter the flow of thankfulness. From this flow of happiness comes miracles. If you believe THEN all things are possible. If you don’t believe, then nothing is possible.

Often, all we must do to feel differently is to alter our view of the circumstances. We must turn our expectations into appreciation. The most powerful way to shift your mindset is through gratitude. Sure, things are horrible sometimes. Bad things happen. However, there is always something to be thankful for. There is always good to consider. Don’t focus on supposed lack, which leads to sadness.

I’ve learned there is no such thing as lack. We have created this idea and used it as an excuse not to be appreciative of what we do have. There is no lack of money or oxygen or ideas in the world. Everything you want or need is available to you. Money, friends, food, jobs, partners, whatever is available in the world right now. You can attract whatever you need through Gratitude. Don’t let the idea of lack distract you from being grateful for all you have access to in the world.

A soul shift can occur when you simply act appreciatively or write down what you are thankful for daily. When you count your blessings, by physically recounting them, you elicit the feeling of gratitude. This strong emotion then draws more goodness into your life. There is power when you use a pen and piece of paper. If you positively focus on what you have, more of what you want will come. Gratitude and focused awareness changes your thoughts and outlook. Gratitude leads to happiness which then draws more good things toward you.