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Everything for God’s Glory

Did you know that everything exists to bring God glory? Paul reminds us in Colossians, chapter 1 verse 16, “All things were created by him, and for Him.”

The universe and all it holds exists to bring praise to the Lord. In the Bible, the word most often translated “glory” is the Hebrew phrase “kavod.”  Dictionaries agree that God’s kavod is His “weight, attributes, heaviness, significance, praise, power, moral beauty, perfect character, visible presence, and honor.” At certain places in the Bible, the kavod is spoken of as praise to Yahweh. Other times the kavod is a physical manifestation, usually seen as light or fire. Mostly though, kavod is seen in the Scriptures as the significance of a person. God’s glory/kavod is the manifestation of who the Lord is. The Almighty’s kavod is how significant He is. Another term translated “glory” is the Hebrew term “tifereth.” While kavod denotes the energy and significance of God, “tifereth” symbolizes the Almighty’s splendor and radiant flow. The terms are interchangeable as expressions of God’s magnificent power and might.

The world, including mankind, was formed to be a vessel of His presence. Adam was originally crowned with glory and enjoyed an unhindered relationship with the Almighty. Psalm 8:5, “For You have made him a little lower than the God, and have crowned him with kavod and honor.” But, sin entered the world because Adam chose the path of the desire to receive for self alone. Adam disobeyed the Almighty and fell from glory. With this sin came separation from the Creator of His creation. The crown of glory that was once upon man was now lost. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of the Lord,” Romans 3:23. Sin drove Adam out of the garden and pushed the glory away.

Jesus the Messiah came to restore the glory of God that was lost by Adam’s sin. This mission was proclaimed upon the birth of Messiah, “And, see, the heavenly angel of the Lord came upon them, and the tifereth / glory of God shone around them: and they were greatly afraid. Glory to in the highest, and on earth peace, and good among men, with whom He is pleased,” Luke 2:9, 14.

Jesus came to earth amidst the glory, in order to bring glory to God, by establishing peace between the Lord and men. Amidst the glory, Jesus’s mission is made clear. He came as “A Light to unveil the nations, and the glory of Your people Israel,” Luke 2:32. What did you learn today from this teaching?

The sun breaks through clouds creating dramatic lens flare and revealing a tiny, silhouetted bird flying past. Perhaps the moment of Creation.