Thoughts Become Things
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Change Your Attitude – Change Your Life

If you change your attitude then you can change your life.  

We all know that the above statement is true, yet backing up that belief with action is sometimes tough.  Negativity, doubt, distractions, and fear often stop us from accomplishing what we really want.  Which of those 4 areas are you battling today?

1) Negativity states that “you can’t” and “you won’t” and “it will never.”  Silence these words with “I am, I do, and it will.”
2) Doubt leads to questions and questions lead to more questions.  Kill the doubt through education.  Just do something to learn – read a book, listen to a podcast or dial up a friend and ask for some advice.
3) Distractions eat away at your day and make obstacles out of opportunities.  Eliminate distractions or they will destroy your life.
4) Fear steals your joy and makes you feel anxious.  When fear fights, you must answer the nervousness with activity.  Confidence comes with competence and competence comes with action.

You can win whatever battle you are facing today by changing your attitude.  John Maxwell says, “attitude determines altitude.”