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Can You Describe a New Color?

It’s hard to describe a new color. Similarly, God’s love and the power of God’s Spirit is simply beyond words.  How often do you just think about God’s presence and devotion for you?

2 Corinthians 9 calls God’s love “indescribable.”  His life is truly inexpressible.  This means that once we think we are walking in His greatness, or once we think we have a grasp of the glory of Jesus, then we should back up and reconsider.  His compassion will surprise you as soon as you think you know His love. His awesomeness can’t be measured or fully described. That’s the beauty of an ineffable God who is beyond comprehension.

His love is so amazing that it overflows into our hearts. We can’t fully understand how great this life of the Spirit is within us. Yet we should still seek God. Today we see through a glass dimly but one day all will be revealed.  Until then we simply should seek the Lord and release the Spiritual nature by thinking on and then acting on what the Word promises.  The book of Romans tells us that to be “spiritually minded is life and peace.” As you think on His presence you can receive His peace. We truly need this life of peace to make it through the problems we face today and the dark days that are ahead for us. Take a moment today and try to imagine a new color – that’s how impossible it is to imagine God’s love for you!