Help When You’re Broken Down
January 17, 2020
A Double Dog Dare
February 1, 2020
Help When You’re Broken Down
January 17, 2020
A Double Dog Dare
February 1, 2020

When it comes to forgiveness I sometimes feel like a dog that chases it’s own tail. Yes, I have grace from God but I often struggle with accepting his pardon when I slip up. 

I know that God promises to look beyond my faults.  I really do believe that God loves me beyond measure. I also know that I can be selfish and make a mess of things sometimes. This leaves me chasing after something I already have.  

When Christ died on that old rugged cross he gave his life as an offering for all sin – past, present, and future.  Sin isn’t an issue for God because of what Jesus did. The Messiah’s sacrifice offers total forgiveness. What does this really mean for us?  

Well, the cross shows us that the Almighty isn’t mad at me or you. God isn’t judging us because all judgment was placed on Jesus. Our sins have all been forgiven. 

Our Heavenly Father has an unwavering love for us. Our hangups have already been pardoned!  The sin problem has been handled once and for all time. The struggle is not – will God forgive?  The struggle is – will I accept and walk in His forgiveness. 

All we have to do is accept his love, confess our sin, and stop chasing after something we already have.  Through trusting belief we can be assured that God accepts us as his children even when we fail or fall. 

“Now where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer an offering for sin,” Hebrews 10:18.