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March 15, 2021
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March 18, 2021
Marketing Matters
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Acknowledge the Good

“Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation of abundance,” said Eckhart Tole. Acknowledging our need for other people is, in a way, acknowledging how we need God. Have you ever wondered who brought those folks across your path in the first place? Or, why you were born into your specific family? There is, indeed, a cosmic plan for your life. You are not an accident. You were planned and there is a plan for you. Our creator made you on purpose and for a purpose. You’ll discover your purpose when you are thankful.

“Now the key to all this is that we cannot only experience this once in a while. We cannot only have grateful experiences. We can be people who live gratefully,” explained Brother David Steindl-Rast. “Grateful living; that is the thing. And how can we live gratefully? By experiencing, by becoming aware that every moment is a given moment, as we say. It’s a gift. You haven’t earned it. You haven’t brought it about in any way. You have no way of assuring that there will be another moment given to you, and yet, that’s the most valuable thing that can ever be given to us, this moment, with all the opportunity that it contains. If we didn’t have this present moment, we wouldn’t have any opportunity to do anything or experience anything, and this moment is a gift. It’s a given moment, as we say.”