What Would You Ask For?
January 3, 2022
What is Chesed?
January 5, 2022
What Would You Ask For?
January 3, 2022
What is Chesed?
January 5, 2022
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A Mirror Into the 99%

With a mirror, we can look at the sight in the glass and see an exact reflection. A mirror is a one-dimensional image of our three-dimensional world. Unless it’s a funhouse at the carnival, what is seen in the mirror is an accurate reflection of our world. Like a mirror, this world echoes the deeper, hidden world of the Spirit. What we see and experience in the natural is a reflection of the supernatural. And vica-versa.

We live in the physical world of what we perceive. Yet, this is only 1% of reality. There remains 99% of the unseen.

What we do in the one percent affects the whole ninety-nine percent. To aid our daily struggles, we have been given spiritual principles throughout the Scriptures.  These bridge the gap between recognition and our memory shortfalls. As we recall and heed these reminders, we are connecting to the supernatural; we are operating in the shadow of the 99%. “Let no one, therefore, judge you in eating or in drinking, or in respect of a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths – which are a shadow of what is (yet) to come – but the Body of Messiah,” Colossians 2: 16-17. The true reality is in the Heavens, while the earth is merely a shadow of how life is supposed to be.

Our actions reflect our attitudes and motives. Our love for others reflects our love of God.

The principles and commandments throughout the Bible bridge the gap between the 1% and the 99%. In the spirit realm closeness is determined by similarity. So, the more we act like God, the more we think upon God, the closer we are to God. As we follow His word, we are actually moving as His shadow and in His shadow.