Wisdom Words
June 1, 2019
The POWER of Thankfulness – proven by science
June 10, 2019
Wisdom Words
June 1, 2019
The POWER of Thankfulness – proven by science
June 10, 2019
Kids love to dare each other into craziness.  An iconic“double dog dare” simply cannot be ignored.  Are you ready for a dare?
This is a 31 Day challenge to simply read one chapter from Proverbs on each of the next thirty-one days.  As you read, take what you learn and do something with it.  Connect with other people and make the world a better place through the words of the wise king Solomon. 
Here are the details…
The 31 Day Proverbs Challenge is very simple:
1) Starting today, read the chapter in Proverbs that corresponds to today’s date. For example, if today is May 17th read Proverbs 17.  If today is May 20th read Proverbs 20.  If today is May 1st read Proverbs 1. 
2) After reading the chapter, choose one quip that you want to share with someone.  If today you read Proverbs 17 then you might choose Proverbs 17:10 “A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool.”  Or you may choose Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity.”  You may find it hard to choose just one.
3) Go public with it!  Post it on your social media account.  Add it to the signature on your emails.  Make a point of working it into a conversation throughout the day.  Sit down as a family or with a group of friends and share which verse you chose.  Make a T-Shirt.  The possibilities are endless…
4) Tomorrow, do it all over again…for the next 31 days.
5) Share this challenge with your friends and family.  Have them join you as you continue the 31 Day challenge each and every month during the year.  Read the Proverbs each month and grow in wisdom.