Be Thankful Today
June 1, 2019
A Double Dog Dare to Take!
June 1, 2019
Be Thankful Today
June 1, 2019
A Double Dog Dare to Take!
June 1, 2019
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Wisdom Words

Imagine that you could learn from the wisest person who ever lived.  Think of the mysteries that you could discover as you asked questions and picked her brain about various subjects.
Would you want to know about relationships or wealth?  Would you ask about the meaning of life or inquire about next week’s lottery numbers? 
Here’s the truth…You don’t have to wish for a genie from a bottle with all of the world’s wisdom.  Why not?  Because you’ve already got it.  All that you will ever need to know is found hidden in some words written by an ancient king of Israel.  Who was this wise man and how can such claims be made?
You’ve probably heard of Israel’s King David, who killed a giant named Goliath with just a slingshot.  Well, that’s not the king we’re going to consider.  Instead, let’s inquire of his son – a guy named Solomon.  It was Solomon who would reign in truth so great that history books recall how even Cleopatra, the famed queen of Sheba, traveled to meet him.  Cleopatra had to see if the rumors of his majestic splendor and wisdom were true.  What she discovered did not disappoint her.  And it will not disappoint you either.  Solomon shared with Cleopatra heavenly wisdom that’s still available and still applicable here on earth today. 
The story goes that Solomon once had a visitation from heaven.  God offered Solomon anything he desired.  In perhaps the wisest move of all time, He asked for knowledge and wisdom.  Solomon asked to have angelic insight.  He became the smartest person whom would ever live. Then, Solomon did the unthinkable.  Instead of hoarding his knowledge or charging a monthly subscription fee to his brain cells, Solomon shared some of his smarts with us.  He gave us quips, quotes, and ethical teachings that still fathom the mind.  
His wisdom is found within the pages of an ancient writing, a book we call Proverbs.  You don’t need to know Egyptian cuneiform or paleo Hebrew to access this knowledge though.  All you need to do is find this little writing we call the book of Proverbs tucked away in the Jewish Scriptures.
In Proverbs, you will not discover the winner of the next Super Bowl, but you will find instructions for life.  You won’t find the cheat code to the latest video game, yet you will learn about money, work, and how to treat others.  And that’s just the start.  There’s wisdom for every area of life.  No subject is taboo or touché for Solomon.  He hits home and he hits hard to the heart.  From his words you will be challenged and inspired.  His writings will push you to live a life of meaning and purpose.  And get this – what’s great about these proverbs is that they are conveniently broken down into 31 chapters – one for each day of the month. 
The 31 Day Proverbs Challenge is pretty simple… just read one chapter of this book each day of the month.  Consider yourself sitting across from the wisest man and hearing his five-minute spiel on a subject.  Take something you learn and apply it to your life.  Share the message and then start over the next day.  Sit at His majesty’s feet and learn from the wise King Solomon.  
Go ahead, turn the page and find and find the writings of the king.  Discover insights better than Einstein and thoughts deeper than Freud.  These words are just as relevant in today’s world of highspeed internet as it was during the time of chariots. 
“The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair…”